Williams, Laura E

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The can man

After watching a homeless man collect empty soft drink cans for the redemption money, a young boy decides to collect cans himself to earn money for a skateboard until he has a change of heart.

El Misterio Del Barco Fantasma

Behind the bedroom wall

Korinna, an active member of a Nazi youth group, finds her loyalties are put to the test when she discovers her parents are hiding a Jewish family behind the wall of her bedroom.
Cover image of Behind the bedroom wall

Behind the Bedroom Wall

Thirteen year old Korinna, a member of a Nazi youth group, discovers her parents are hiding Jews behind the wall of her bedroom.
Cover image of Behind the Bedroom Wall

The mystery of the dark lighthouse

"An old lighthouse full of secrets...Find the clues...solve the mystery of the dark lighthouse!"--Cover p. 4.
Cover image of The mystery of the dark lighthouse

The can man

After watching a homeless man collect empty soft drink cans for the redemption money, a young boy decides to collect cans himself to earn money for a skateboard until he has a change of heart.

Behind the bedroom wall

Ten-year-old Korinna must decide whether to report her parents to her Hitler youth group when she discovers that they are hiding Jews in a secret space behind Korinna's bedroom wall.

The mystery of the missing tiger

Twins Jen and Zeke investigate when a circus arrives in their town of Mystic, Maine, and its tiger is stolen. Includes clues for readers who want to try to solve the mystery.

El Misterio Del Barco Fantasma

Behind the bedroom wall


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