labor unions

Topical Term
labor unions

The enemy within

the McClellan Committee's crusade against Jimmy Hoffa and corrupt labor unions
Provides an account of the Senate investigation that took place between 1956 and 1959 into illegal labor union activities, and discusses how unions become corrupt, the actions of union leader Jimmy Hoffa, and the workings of an investigating committee.

Working Detroit

the making of a union town

Lech Walesa and Poland

Examines Poland's history, with particular emphasis on the role of Lech Walesa, the former labor leader who was elected president in 1990.

Lech Walesa

the leader of Solidarity and campaigner for freedom and human rights in Poland
Traces the life of the Polish union organizer who was instrumental in gaining government recognition for Solidarity, an organization of local unions, and who won the l983 Nobel Peace Prize.

Unions in transition

Discusses the history of trade unions, their structure and function, and several issues facing today's organized labor movement.

The American struggle

the story of the continuing conflict between labor and management

The labor movement

unionizing America
Introduces students to the Labor Movement, discussing the people, legislation, and events that shaped the movement, as well as its impact on American history in the twentieth century.


In 1915, after being asked to sing at the funeral of executed songwriter and member of the international union, Industrial Workers of the World, Joe Hill, eighteen-year-old Utah coal miner Tommy Quinlan begins to accept his past and make decisions about his future.

The founding of the AFL and the rise of organized labor

Recounts the story of the American Federation of Labor and other early unions, detailing their efforts to organize labor in order to be able to demand better wages and working conditions, and shorter workdays.

Labor unions in the United States

Traces the history of labor unions in the United States and discusses their organization, goals, and methods of operation.


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