

The tragedy of King Richard III

Presents Shakespeare's historical drama about the machinations of King Richard III in his relentless quest for power.

King Henry IV

Presents the text of Shakespeare's historical play depicting the later years of the reign of England's Henry IV.

The life of King Henry V

Fifteenth-century British King Henry V launches a war with France and copes with his identity as a king apart from his wild past and the actions of his father.

King Henry IV

Presents the text of Shakespeare's historical play depicting the early years of the reign of England's Henry IV.

Antony and Cleopatra

Presents Shakespeare's drama about the ill-fated affair between Mark Antony, one of the triumvirs of the Roman Empire, and Cleopatra, the Queen of Egypt.

The tragedy of Macbeth

A Scottish nobleman and his power-hungry wife brutally overtake the throne after arrogantly misinterpreting a prophecy, leading to their downfall.

The tragedy of King Richard II

The classic five-act play by William Shakespeare about the life and death of Richard II, and contains a list of characters.

The tragedy of Julius Caesar

Cassius, fearing Julius Caesar's ambition, forms a conspiracy among Roman republicans to assassinate the leader on the Ides of March.


Presents an adaptation of William Shakespeare's tragedy in which a Danish prince seeks vengeance for his father's murder after being visited by his ghost.
Cover image of Hamlet


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