Provides an excellent synthesis of various schools of thought regarding the role of schooling and education in society. Permits students to see and grasp continuing historical and cultural perspectives so that their educational and philosophical judgments are not made in a vacuum.
Socrates, an ancient Greek philosopher and one of the founders of modern philosophy, asked questions about problems in politics, law and philosophy in order to find out how the world works.
Kenneth and Aleesa, working on an extra credit project about Socrates, suddenly find themselves in ancient Athens, where they meet the famous philosopher and try to save his life.
A biography of Socrates, a philosopher and teacher in ancient Greece who held that wisdom comes from questioning ideas and values rather than simply accepting what is passed on by parents and teachers.
Plato's presentation of the trial of Socrates and the speech he gives in his defense. Includes a brief biography of Plato and multiple-choice review questions.