problems, exercises, etc

Topical Term
problems, exercises, etc

The challenge of library management

leading with emotional engagement
A guide for library management to guide staff members through changes while remaining empathetic, discussing the importance of encouraged active participation, describing ways to navigate common types of changes--space planning, department reorganization, and changes in individual responsibility--and providing short narratives with real-life examples.
Cover image of The challenge of library management

Now write!

fiction writing excercises from today's best writers and teachers
A collection of personal writing exercises from some of today's most acclaimed fiction writers that are designed to help others improve their creative writing skills and discover the enthusiasm and drive needed to become a best-selling author.
Cover image of Now write!

Now write! nonfiction

memoir, journalism, and creative nonfiction exercises from today's best writers and teachers
A collection of writing exercises designed to help nonfiction writers improve their skills, with exercises from top writers and teachers.
Cover image of Now write! nonfiction


daily writing challenges that are not introspective, not personal, not boring
Contains a collection of over 200 writing prompts designed to assist writers from middle school through adult with simple exercises that help to inspire both creativity and ingenuity.
Cover image of Unjournaling

The complete idiot's guide to learning Latin

Presents introductory lessons and exercises on Latin, covering first- through fifth-declension nouns, verbs, verbals, adjectives and accusatives, pronouns, adverbs, past and future tenses, and speaking and reading, and also discusses the language's history and its use in specialties such as law and medicine.
Cover image of The complete idiot's guide to learning Latin

Electric circuits

Discusses the creation and designing of electric circuits with more than five hundred problems and solutions.
Cover image of Electric circuits

25 complex text passages to meet the Common Core

literature and informational texts
Contains twenty-five passages with questions that evaluate a student's understanding and support Common Core State Standards.
Cover image of 25 complex text passages to meet the Common Core

Ingles para latinos, primer nivel

un camino hacia la fluidez--
Updated with additional commonly-used phrases, new questions and answers for practice and review, and listening aids such as find-the-word boxes, jumbled words, and crosswords.
Cover image of Ingles para latinos, primer nivel


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