Invasive species

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Zebra mussels

"In this book, early fluent readers will learn why zebra mussels are considered an invasive species, how they have established themselves in and impacted new ecosystems, and what scientists are doing to combat the problem. Color photographs and carefully leveled text will engage young readers as they learn more about zebra mussels and how scientists work to control their population"--Provided by publisher.

Japanese Honeysuckle

Discover Japanese honeysuckle, one of the most well-known invasive plant species. Learn how it can block sunlight from reaching native plants, preventing them from growing.

Invasive freshwater species

Readers are shown evidence of animal adaptation and the complexity of the food chain in this book, and the major impact one unchecked species can have on human life and the environment.
Cover image of Invasive freshwater species

Invasive reptiles and amphibians

"Readers are shown examples of invasive snakes [and] frogs ... to reveal the pattern of species introduction and habitat takeover. Identifying the adaptations of species like the cane toad, the title teaches students to compare the strengths and weaknesses of Earth's animals. The susceptibility of habitats such as Florida's emphasizes the delicacy of the food chain. By analyzing and comparing cases of invasive species, readers discover how humans impact the natural world and the work that must be done to keep the balance"--Provided by publisher.

Invasive mammals

Provides an introduction to invasive mammals and the impact they have on a habitat.

Invasive insects and diseases

"Provides an overview of invasive species: what makes a species invasive and what problems they cause to the habitats they infiltrate. By analyzing patterns of the Asian Longhorned Beetle infestation in the United States, the plague of Asian Tiger Mosquitos spreading West Nile virus around the world, and many more, students realize how all living things are connected and how they, as humans, impact the environment"--Provided by publisher.

Invasive plants and birds

Providing explanations of the damage done by invasive species and solutions to their spread, readers discover the delicate nature of the habitats they live in.

Invasive terrestrial plants

Introduces terrestrial plants and their habitats, explains what makes some of them invasive, describes several kinds of such plants, and discusses management.

Invasive terrestrial animals

Presents a brief study of a number of invasive terrestrial animals such as the Emerald Ash Borer and Brown Treesnake; and examines various methods for controlling or destroying them.

Invasive aquatic and wetland animals

Investigates the threat of various species of invasive aquatic and wetland animals to the natural population of marine life, how their introduction has affected the marine ecosystem, and efforts to control them.


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