slave insurrections

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slave insurrections


a long road to freedom
A history of the 1839 uprising of African captives aboard the slave ship Amistad, telling of their three-year imprisonment in the United States and their eventual acquittal by the Supreme Court.

The Amistad rebellion

an Atlantic odyssey of slavery and freedom
Examines the history of the rebellious African slaves and their triumph in gaining their freedom from Spanish and American slavers by overtaking their slave ship, the "Amistad.".

Runaway slaves

rebels on the plantation, 1790-1860
A study of runaway slaves in the years between 1790 and 1860, arguing that the majority of slaves struggled to attain their freedom even in the face of sure failure, and discussing the price they paid for their unwillingness to submit.

Nat Turner and the Virginia slave revolt

Examines the life of Nat Turner and the events leading up to the slave rebellion he led in 1831.

United States v. Amistad

slave ship mutiny
Describes the historical context of the 1841 U.S. Supreme Court case United States v. "Amistad" that ruled that illegally enslaved blacks had the right to be free.

Slave uprisings and runaways

fighting for freedom and the Underground Railroad
Discusses rebellion against slavery by slaves, free African-Americans, and whites in the nineteenth century, covering such topics and figures as the "Amistad, " the Fugitive Slave Act, John Brown, and Harriet Tubman, and describing the workings of the Underground Railroad.

The Creole mutiny

a tale of revolt aboard a slave ship
Chronicles the events surrounding the slave revolt on the Creole transport ship on November 7, 1841.

Nat Turner

rebellious slave
A biography of the slave and preacher who, believing that God wanted him to free the slaves, led a major revolt in 1831.

Denmark Vesey

Chronicles the life of Denmark Vesey and explains how he tried to organize the largest slave rebellion in the history of the United States.


the slave uprising aboard the Spanish schooner
Tells the story of the slave revolt aboard the Spanish schooner La Amistad in 1839, which resulted in the slaves and their leader Cinque being brought before the United States Supreme Court to debate the issue of human rights.


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