mass media and children

Topical Term
mass media and children

Visual messages

integrating imagery into instruction
Offers a rationale for visual literacy programs in the schools which are necessary in a media-dominated society.

Children, adolescents, and media violence

a critical look at the research
Provides historical and theoretical perspectives on the research on how media violence effects on children and youth.

Zillions TV - A kid's guide to the best toys and games

Children (ages 6 - 13) spend billions each year on toys and games. Advertisers target this group more and more today. This video teaches students about how to spend their money wisely and not to believe all advertisements.

Is media violence a problem?

A collection of articles which address the different viewpoints surrounding the controversy over violence in the media.

Remote control childhood?

combating the hazards of media culture

Stop teaching our kids to kill

a call to action against TV, movie & video game violence
Looks at how the use of violence in television, movies, and video games is affecting children; examines scientific research which links graphic imagery and the escalating incidence of youth violence; and discusses what parents can do to keep their children safe.

What stories does my son need?

a guide to books and movies that build character in boys
Presents annotations of and discussion starters for more than two hundred books and movies that the author proposes are beneficial to boys' and young men's moral growth, arranged by age level.

Bad stuff in the news

a guide to handling the headlines
A guide to helping children and teenagers deal with the frightening images and stories featured on the news that explores the problems that led to many world tragedies.

Killing monsters

why children need fantasy, super heroes, and make-believe violence
Examines the role of aggressive fantasies in the personal development of young people, looking at the ways in which children and teens benefit from comics, action movies, cartoons, video games, rap music, and other aspects of pop culture that are usually denounced by parents and professionals.

Is media violence a problem?

Presents a collection of twelve controversial essays that debate issues pertaining to media violence and its effect upon children and society including problems associated with violent video games, rap music, literature, and graphic films and television programs.


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