
Topical Term

The girl who built a spider

Three young inventors are excited to start their summer internship at Flax Industries, where they can build the invention of their dreams, but things take a sinister turn when Dr. Flax's robots take over the laboratory and try to take over the world.

The empty science lab

solve your way out!
An unlocked door to a secret science lab would be hard for any student to ignore! But what if you snuck in--and the door locked behind you? In this book, readers need to solve puzzles and find codes throughout the pictures and text in order to escape! Science terms and concepts, such as animal classification, the human body, and the pH scale, are described as part of the story. The problem-solving and critical thinking readers use to puzzle through this book are important components of any STEAM subject.

Ringer Gemma

Ringer Lyra
Told from two perspectives, Lyra and Caelum struggle in the world outside of the Haven Institute, while Gemma and her boyfriend Pete try to stop her father's plans for the replicas, but are mistaken for escapees and brought to a secret facility.

The girl who could fly

When homeschooled farm girl Piper McCloud reveals her ability to fly, she is quickly taken to a secret government facility to be trained with other exceptional children, but she soon realizes that something is very wrong and begins working with brilliant and wealthy Conrad to escape.
Cover image of The girl who could fly

The deadly experiments of Dr. Eeek

Readers must choose from over twenty scary endings to complete a story of terror in a top-secret research laboratory.

The crime lab case

Nancy, helping out with a "chemystery" camp, a special forensics program for high school students, finds herself with a real mystery to solve when the professor who runs the camp suddenly falls into an unexplained coma.

The place between breaths

Grace, sixteen, fears that she will succumb to the schizophrenia that took her mother away, while she and her father work for a genetics lab rushing to find a cure.
Cover image of The place between breaths

Reglas de seguridad en las ciencias

Introduces young readers to seven simple safety rules that should be followed during classroom science experiments and projects.

Clinical & medical laboratory scientists

Reader will discover the profession from the educational requirements, to the day to day tasks, to the developments in the field, as well as all the different job opportunities.

The place between breaths

Grace, sixteen, fears that she will succumb to the schizophrenia that took her mother away, while she and her father work for a genetics lab rushing to find a cure.
Cover image of The place between breaths


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