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At close range with National geographic

A portrait of National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore, who shoots some of the most exotic locales on earth while often enduring wretched conditions to get the prized photograph.

Reporting under fire

16 daring women war correspondents and photojournalists
Presents a profile of sixteen women war correspondents and photojournalists.

Gordon Parks

how the photographer captured black and white America
Presents a picture book biography of African American photographer and Hollywood movie director Gordon Parks. Explores Parks' childhood, growing up in poverty, and how the purchase of his first camera changed his life.

Civil War witness

Mathew Brady's photos reveal the horrors of war
Explores the photographs of Mathew Brady who chronicled the American Civil War in his photographs.

Lola A?lvarez Bravo

cazadora de ima?genes (Spanish)
En este texto esta? plasmada una parte importante de la vida de Lola A?lvarez Bravo y se explica su pasio?n por la fotogra?fia, asi? como los tipos de fotografi?as que ma?s disfrutaba tomar. Su obra constituye un archivo de la vida y de los personajes del entorno cultural del siglo XX.

Sunrise nights

When aspiring photographer Jude and former dancer Florence, who has a degenerative eye disease, meet at their sleepaway camp's closing celebration, called Sunrise Night, they decide to take a chance with one rule--they can't contact each other after the sun has risen.
Cover image of Sunrise nights

Everywhere beauty is Harlem

the vision of photographer Roy DeCarava
This illustrated portrait of Black photographer Roy DeCarava, a child of the Harlem Renaissance and an artistic collaborator of Langston Hughes, takes readers through 1940s Harlem where beauty is everywhere as he immortalizes and documents the lives of ordinary Black people.
Cover image of Everywhere beauty is Harlem

Planting hope

a portrait of photographer Sebasti?o Salgado
"Sebasti?o adored exploring the paradise of his parents' farm in the Mata Atl?ntica forest of Brazil. From atop a hill, he would look at the world from a new perspective and dream of what might lie beyond his view. Then, when he went away to school, Sebasti?o met L?lia, who showed him how to use a camera for the very first time. When Sebasti?o looked through the camera, he realized he could use photography to organize how the world fit together. Because of his talent for seeing what others could not, Sebasti?o traveled the world and took pictures for all kinds of news stories. But after witnessing too many painful images of environmental destruction and violence, he put away his camera and returned with L?lia to his childhood home. But, when they arrived at the farm, the land was in ruins. So L?lia suggested they rebuild the rain forest and make their efforts an example to others. Through art and activism, Sebasti?o and L?lia would show that everyone was connected to a large ecosystem and responsible for its care, and that all may not be lost if we take action"--.

Las escultoras de la luz

poemas sobre artistas cubanas
From folk art to photography, architecture to painting, sculpture to music, female Cuban artists have long gone unnoticed on a global scale. This poetry collection highlights the lives and legacies of eight Cuban women who have redefined art in their communities.
Cover image of Las escultoras de la luz

A dangerous place

a novel
Spring 1937. In the four years since she left England, Maisie Dobbs has experienced love, contentment, stability -- and the deepest tragedy a woman can endure. Now, all she wants is the peace she believes she might find by returning to India. But her sojourn in the hills of Darjeeling is cut short when her stepmother summons her home to England; her aging father Frankie Dobbs is not getting any younger. But on a ship bound for England, Maisie realizes she isn't ready to return. Against the wishes of the captain who warns her, "You will be alone in a most dangerous place," she disembarks in Gibraltar. Though she is on her own, Maisie is far from alone: the British garrison town is teeming with refugees fleeing a brutal civil war across the border in Spain. Yet the danger is very real. Days after Maisie's arrival, a photographer and member of Gibraltar's Sephardic Jewish community, Sebastian Babayoff, is murdered, and Maisie becomes entangled in the case, drawing the attention of the British Secret Service. Under the suspicious eye of a British agent, Maisie is pulled deeper into political intrigue on "the Rock" -- arguably Britain's most important strategic territory -- and renews an uneasy acquaintance in the process. At a crossroads between her past and her future, Maisie must choose a direction, knowing that England is, for her, an equally dangerous place, but in quite a different way.


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