World in focus

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Focus on India

Explores the history, culture, and people of India; and describes its population and settlements, government and politics, economy and education, religions, and environment.

Focus on the United States

Explores the history, culture, and people of the United States; and describes its population and settlements, government and politics, economy and education, religions, and environment.

Focus on the United Kingdom

Explores the history, culture, and people of the United Kingdom; and describes its population and settlements, government and politics, economy and education, religions, and environment.

Focus on Canada

Describes Canada's history, landscape and climate, population and settlements, government and politics, energy and resources, economy, transportation, communications, education, health, culture, religion, leisure and tourism, and environment and conservation.

Focus on Spain

Provides an overview of Spain, discussing the country's history, geography, peoples, government, resources, economy, tranportation and communications systems, education, health, culture, leisure and tourism, environment, and foriegn policy. Includes a look at future challenges facing Spain, a time line, and a glossary.

Focus on Mexico

Presents an introduction to Mexico, providing information on its geography, history, climate, economy, transportation, religion, people, and more.

Focus on Australia

Explores the history, culture, and people of Australia; and describes its government and politics, educational system, energy and resources, environment, and economy.

Global extremism and terrorism

Presents a collection of articles and essays that address important issues of global terrorism including identifying terrorists, where they come from, and the weapons that they use.

Democracy in the Middle East

Explores the establishment of democracy in the Middle East; discussing the United States' role, promotion of Arab reform, liberalized autocracy, religious issues, the role of women, and the threat of terrorism and religious extremism.

Focus on Pakistan

Describes Pakistan's landscape, climate, settlements, government, natural resources, economy, education, health, culture, foreign relations, and other aspects, and discusses the country's challenges for the future.


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