
Topical Term

The light of truth

writings of an anti-lynching crusader
A collection of writings by an early civil and women's rights pioneer, Ida B. Wells.

The man in the arena

the selected writings of Theodore Roosevelt ; a reader
Cover image of The man in the arena

The last campaign :3A

how presidents rewrite history, run for posterity
"The Last Campaign" examines what presidents do to keep us from knowing what presidents do: skewed history, self-commemoration, the influence of private money and political organizations, and a compromised government agency - the National Archives, which operates the libraries. Presidential library expert Anthony Clark recounts his attempts, as a private citizen and as a senior Congressional staffer, to rein in the system?s worst abuses.

"Right or wrong, God judge me"

the writings of John Wilkes Booth
A collection of all the known writings of John Wilkes Booth, consisting of nearly seventy documents including love letters, several statements of his political convictions, a twenty-page manuscript in which he declares his hatred for Abraham Lincoln, and the diary he kept while on the run after Lincoln's assassination.
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