Having stumbled upon his hidden powers, the young wizard Merlin voyages to the Otherworld in his quest to find himself and the way to the realm of the spirit.
A young boy who has no identity nor memory of his past washes ashore on the coast of Wales and finds his true name after a series of fantastic adventures.
Contains letters in which young readers share the reasons why they like the Harry Potter books, describe their versions of food and games mentioned in the stories, and discuss their theories about some unanswered questions in the series. Includes comments from adult fans, trivia, and vocabulary.
Sixteen-year-old Seph McCauley is sent to the Havens, a boys' school in Maine, after being kicked out of several private schools for his untrained magical powers; but his headmaster, Gregory Leicester, has his own mysterious agenda when he agrees to help Seth channel his magic.
Jason Haley, who feels left out of the action as the Trinity prepares for the attack of the wizards, runs across a powerful talisman made of opal-the Dragonheart-and the guardians take the potential weapon away while Madison Moss, who is slowly losing her power, feels the pull of the stone as well.
Seventeen-year-old Nathaniel has risen to a position of importance in the British government with the help of Bartimaeus, a djinni he summoned to help him root out rebels, but with Bartimaeus' essence weakening due to having spent too long in the real world, he and Nathaniel are forced to team up with rival Kitty Jones to save the country from demons.
being the correspondence of two young ladies of quality regarding various magical scandals in London and the country
Wrede, Patricia C.
In 1817 in England, two young cousins, Cecilia living in the country and Kate in London, write letters to keep each other informed of their exploits, which take a sinister turn when they find themselves confronted by evil wizards.