Social issues firsthand

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Blended families

A collection of sixteen personal narratives on issues related to blended families, including the experiences of growing up in a blended family, parenting in blended families, and defining family in nontraditional ways.


A collection of thirteen essays that provides varying perspectives on topics about cancer, such as receiving a diagnosis, seeking therapy, dying with grace and dignity, and surviving the disease.

Underage drinking

Discusses a diverse collection of personal narratives explaining what it is like to deal with underage drinking.


A collection of fourteen essays that provide firsthand accounts of prostitution, including comments by a former teenage prostitute, a male sex worker, and an Ivy League call girl, and discussing the relationship between prostitutes and feminists, HIV, involuntary prostitution, and other related issues.


Contains ten essays that offer personal stories on issues related to infertility, discussing its effects on self and family, high-tech solutions, adoption, surrogacy, childlessness, and other options; and including contact information for organizations and a bibliography.

Date and acquaintance rape

Read a diverse collection of personal narratives explaining what it is like to deal with specific social issues.

Drug abuse

Contains ten essays that offer personal stories on issues related to drug abuse, including peer pressure, being addicted to narcotics, recovery, parental views, and other topics; and provides contact information for organizations and a bibliography.


Contains nineteen essays that offer personal stories on issues related to divorce, including reasons divorces occur, the divorce process, single parents, remarriage, and how children feel about divorce; and provides contact information for organizations and a bibliography.

Performance-enhancing drugs

Discusses the ethics of performance-enhancing drugs and includes articles on such topics as steroids in professional sports and prescription drugs used for academic enhancement.

Web 2.0

Collects twenty-two essays with various perspectives on Web 2.0, and discusses positive and negative points on online communities, privacy issues, and the addictive aspects of the Internet.


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