Introduces young readers to the dangers of an inhalant addiction and shows ways that users have found help. Learn about the physical and mental effects of inhalant abuse and its negative impact on lives.
An exploration of inhalants that discusses the effects on the body and brain, the negative effects on health, and offers advice on seeking help for an addiction.
A simple introduction to the process of dissolving a substance in some type of solution, the reasons for doing it and the possible usefulness of the resulting new combination.
Discusses some of the substances that are abused by inhaling them, the effects of solvents on the body, and how to avoid the dangers involved in solvent abuse.
Discusses how and why people abuse inhalants and solvents, the dangerous effects these substances can have on the body, and where to get help for inhalant and other drug addictions.
Describes the negative side effects inhalants have on a person's nasal passages as well as the ways it can kill, and includes a glossary and further reading list.
Provides information about drugs known as inhalants, explaining what inhalants are, describing the effects of using inhalants to get high, and discussing the consequences of inhalant abuse.