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No bajes al so?tano!

Margaret and Casey become worried about their father when they meet some of the plants he is growing down in the basement. Is this just another harmless experiment or is the basement becoming another little shop of horrors?.
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Sangre de monstruo

Evan begins to fear he has unleashed disaster when a dusty can of monster blood he bought at an old toy store starts to grow and acquire an appetite.

Sangre de monstruo II

Evan is stuck cleaning out hamster cages as a punishment for making up stories because his science teacher didn't believe his story about Monster Blood.

El fantasma aullador

Cooper Holmes and his family move to a house deep in the woods, but his parents don't believe him when he hears barking at night and sees two vicious dogs disappear into thin air.

El Abominable Hombres de las nieves en Pasadena

Jordan and Nicole, sick of the hot weather in Pasadena, are happy to learn their family is going to take a trip to Alaska, but their excitement over finally getting to see snow turns to terror when they stumble into the path of the Abominable Snowman.

Bienvendidos A La Casa De La Muerte

Amanda y Josh piensan que hay algo muy peculiar en la casa donde se acaban de mudar. Algo misterioso. Posiblemente este embrujada. Y el pueblo Dark Falls es bastante raro tambien.

La maldici?on de la momia

Gabe gets lost in the Great Pyramid, realizes he isn't alone, and wonders if the curse of the mummy's tomb is real.
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