dayton (tenn.)

Geographic Name
dayton (tenn.)

Ringside, 1925

views from the Scopes trial : a novel
A novel in free verse poems, in which visitors, spectators, and residents of Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925 describe the Scopes "monkey trial" and its effects on that small town and its citizens.

Ringside, 1925

views from the Scopes trial : a novel
Visitors, spectators, and residents of Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925 describe, in a series of free-verse poems, the Scopes "monkey trial" and its effects on that small town and its citizens.

Inherit the wind

Presents the script of the 1950s play loosely based on the events which took place in Dayton, Tennessee, during the Scopes Trial in July of 1925 which opened the debate over the teaching of creationism and evolution.

Inherit the wind

A play loosely based on the events which took place in Dayton, Tennessee during the Scopes Trial in July of 1925. Called the trial of the century, the main focus is on the two lawyers, Bryan and Darrow.

Ringside, 1925

views from the Scopes trial : a novel
A novel in free verse poems, in which visitors, spectators, and residents of Dayton, Tennessee, in 1925 describe the Scopes "monkey trial" and its effects on that small town and its citizens.
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