paine, thomas

paine, thomas

Thomas Paine

Presents a short children's biography on the life of Thomas Paine and provides details on his early Quaker upbringing in England, his later involvement with the patriot cause in the colonies, and the authorship of "Common Sense, " a political pamphlet denouncing British rule in the colonies.

Thomas Paine writes Common Sense

A graphic novel that depicts Thomas Paine and his experience drafting "Common Sense." Includes a glossary.

Thomas Paine

common sense and revolutionary pamphleteering
Examines the life and times of American patriot Thomas Paine, looking at how his activities as a pamphleteer in the 1770s inspired American colonists to fight for their freedom from Britain.

Thomas Paine

political writer
A biography of the writer whose pamphlet "Common Sense" helped convince American colonists to fight for their freedom.

Thomas Paine and the promise of America

Presents a comprehensive analysis of the legacy of Revolutionary patriot and radical, Thomas Paine, and examines how he inspired abolitionists, suffragettes, workingmen, socialists of the Progressive and New Deal eras, and historians over the decades.

Thomas Paine

enlightenment, revolution, and the birth of modern nations
A biography of America's most controversial founding father, Thomas Paine, and the revolutionary age he helped to shape.

Thomas Paine

firebrand of the Revolution
A biography of the political writer, with an emphasis on his contributions to the struggles of his day and their continuing relevance to modern questions.

Uncommon revolutionary

a story about Thomas Paine
Introduces Thomas Paine, whose interest in politics and adventure led him from England to the American colonies where the articles and pamphlets he wrote helped generate support for the Revolution.

Thomas Paine

revolutionary patriot and writer
Examines the life and career of Thomas Paine, discussing his controversial political views, and his efforts to inspire the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War.


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