to 1848

Geographic Name
to 1848

Exploring the western mountains

Presents a short history of the western mountain regions of the United States and Canada and the early explorers responsible for mapping and charting the wilderness including surveyors, fur trappers and Indian fighters, and settlers.

Zebulon Pike and the explorers of the American Southwest

A biography of the Army officer and explorer who discovered, among other places in the West and Southwest, the great Rocky Mountain peak in Colorado which bears his name.

Josefina's surprise

a Christmas story
The second Christmas after their mother has died, Josefina and her three sisters find that participating in the traditions of Las Posadas helps keep memories of Mam?a alive.

Jefferson and the gun-men

how the West was almost lost

Josefina entra en acci?n

un cuento de verano
In 1825 when Josefina trusts a trader in Santa Fe with an important deal, she makes a surprising discovery about this young American who leaves town without paying her.

Long before the Pilgrims

the first Thanksgiving : el Paso del Norte, 1598 = A?os antes de los peregrinos : el primer d?a de acci?n de gracias : el Paso del Norte, 1598
Provides information about the feast held on April 30, 1598 to celebrate the journey of Mexican conquistador Juan de Onate into Texas. Presented in Spanish and English.

Wagon train adventure

In 1849, twelve-year-old Sarah and her family and friends have an adventure while traveling west to California.

Mountain men and fur traders of the Far West

eighteen biographical sketches
Presents biographies of eighteen men essential to the opening of the West.

The Spanish & colonial Santa Fe

Explores the history of Santa Fe, New Mexico, founded in 1610 as the northernmost outpost of the vast Spanish empire in the New World. In search of cities of gold, the Spanish expanded northward from Mexico, but instead of gold they found the Pueblo Indians, whom they converted to Catholicism and made Spanish citizens. Despite ongoing conflicts, the unique mix of the Spanish and Pueblo cultures left a lasting legacy that can still be seen in Sante Fe today.

Eyewitness wild west

Presents an illustrated introduction to the history of the American West, from the explorations of Lewis and Clark, to the massacre at Wounded Knee, providing information on trappers and mountain men, native Americans, the Pony Express, railroads, and gold miners.


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