Presents the capsules that cast hundreds of tiny fern spores into the wind, an ivy leaf's delicate network of veins, and many more microscopic marvels.
Presents twenty-four essays that argue opposing points regarding the roots of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, whether Israel should exist, whether peace in the region is possible, and what the U.S.'s policy toward Israel should be; and includes discussion questions, a chronology, and an annotated list of related organizations.
A collection of articles that discuss whether or not there is an environmental crisis, whether or not global warming is a problem, and how government and society can conserve the environment.
Presents highly magnified looks at a variety of food-related objects, including potato chips, garlic, yeast bubbles, salt crystals, and a salmonella bacterium.
Examines the tiny holes on a compact disc, the mites that live in household dust, the coiled wire that brings light to our homes, and other microscopic marvels.
Presents a visual overview of global warming, covering the many causes and consequences, and includes information on the greenhouse effect, fossil fuels, melting ice, nuclear power, carbon footprints, and future predictions.
Examines various kinds of weather and the science behind them, presenting hundreds of photos, maps, models, data boxes, and links to more information online.