job hunting

Topical Term
job hunting

Interviewing for information

Describes techniques necessary for conducting interviews in order to learn more about different career fields and for evaluating the information received.

Considering a job offer

Discusses the various factors to consider when deciding whether or not to accept a job offer.

Finding work

Examines different kinds of jobs and explores ways of finding appropriate employment.

How to find a job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google

Offers tips and advice to finding a job through social networking Web sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace; and provides step-by-step instructions on joining networks, building online profiles, and discovering job opportunities.

How to find a job on Linkedin, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, and other social networks

Offers tips and advice to finding a job through social networking Web sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace; and provides step-by-step instructions on joining networks, building online profiles, and discovering job opportunities.

Young person's guide to getting and keeping a good job

Presents guidance, checklists, and worksheets designed to teach new job seekers practical job searching, resume writing, portfolio building, interviewing, and job keeping skills.

America's top 100 jobs for people without a four-year degree

great jobs with a promising future
Identifies and describes one hundred jobs in the United States that offer excellent opportunities for people who do not have a four-year college degree, discussing earnings and advancement potential in a variety of fields, including medical and health care, computer and Internet, government, building and construction, and others.

Careers in focus

family and consumer sciences : business and marketing, arts, science and technology, education and communication, human services
A guide to careers in family and consumer sciences that provides information on job responsibilities, training requirements, assessing personal skills, and choosing the best career.

America's top 101 computer and technical jobs

detailed information on major jobs at all levels of education and training


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