Georgia Gilmore was an amazing cook. She had a big heart and loved to help others. When the cost to fund the Montgomery Bus Boycott became high, Georgia stepped in. She baked, fried, and simmered food to sell. Each week she donated all proceeds to the Civil Rights leaders.
"Introduces readers to two brave Black women who stood up against segregation, setting in motion the Montgomery Bus Boycott and showing the nation how positive change can start with a single defiant act"--Provided by publisher.
"A picture book about Claudette Colvin, the teen whose activism launched the Montgomery bus boycott, and a celebration of collective action"--Provided by publisher.
A story of resistance, strength and unwavering spirit, this graphic novel about Rosa Parks invites readers to immerse themselves in the life of the civil rights leader and the powerful act that earned her the title "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.".
A story of resistance, strength and unwavering spirit, this graphic novel about Rosa Parks invites readers to immerse themselves in the life of the civil rights leader and the powerful act that earned her the title "Mother of the Civil Rights Movement.".
In graphic novel format looks at how in March 2, 1955, African American teenage Claudette Colvin refused to give up a seat on a bus in segregation-era Montgomery, Alabama.
Discusses the bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, to protest against the infringement of African Americans' civil rights, including the backlash caused by the boycott and the effects of the start of the Civil Rights Movement.
"Examines the Montgomery Bus Boycott through primary source photographs, including Rosa Parks' role in the effort, other important leaders, the daily struggles of the boycott, and the end of segregation on Montgomery's buses"--Provided by publisher.