gun control

Topical Term
gun control

Gun show nation

gun culture and American democracy
Explores the rise in gun ownership in America, the popularity of the pro-gun movement, and how their ideology has become part of American democracy.

Gun control

the pros and cons
Explores both sides of the debate over gun control, looking at the history of guns and gun laws in the U.S., and discussing the role of the National Rifle Association in blocking gun control legislation, as well as the efforts of gun control advocates for stricter laws.

Lethal passage

the story of a gun
Traces the history of the Cobray M-11/9 semiautomatic pistol used by sixteen-year-old Nicholas Elliot in his 1988 assault on teachers and students at his Virginia school, questions the political and economic forces that allowed the gun to be marketed, and charges that society and culture promote guns and violence as an answer to problems.

A well regulated militia

the battle over gun control
Looks at the history of gun control, analyzing the claims of the National Rifle Association as well as anti-gun lobbyists like Handgun Control, Inc., and offering suggestions for sensible gun policy.

Gun control

Presents articles on both sides of the gun control issue, discussing such topics as constitutionality, the effectiveness of guns as a means of self-defense, and reducing gun-related violence.

Gun control

Presents an overview of the issues related to gun control, including a historical context on the debate, a chronology of important events, as well as guide to laws, court cases, and the agencies and organizations that have shaped the issue. Includes glossary and index.


up against the NRA : the first complete insider account of the battle over gun control

Second and Third Amendments

the right to security
Describes the histories and purposes of the Second Amendment right to bear arms and the Third Amendment right to prohibit in time of peace the quartering of soldiers in private homes.

Gun crime

Including real-life examples and case studies of gun crimes around the world, this book gives information on various types of gun crimes and discusses the laws of different countries and their attitude toward guns.

Gun control and the right to bear arms

Provides background information about youths and guns, the history of gun use, and the regulation of gun ownership and use, features arguments both for and against gun control, and looks at gun control in the twenty-first century. Includes references for further study.


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