
Topical Term

True confessions of a Hollywood starlet

Teen movie star Morgan Carter retreats to a small midwestern town to recuperate anonymously after an overdose and rehabilitation, recording her thoughts in a diary.

On with my life

Having had osteosarcoma at the age of fifteen and having had her leg amputated as a result, the author relates her determination to overcome a potentially fatal disease and her later experiences as a therapist to cancer patients in a children's hospital.

True confessions of a Hollywood starlet

a novel
Teen movie star Morgan Carter retreats to a small midwestern town to recuperate anonymously after an overdose and rehabilitation, recording her thoughts in a diary.

Animal partners

training animals to help people
Discusses ways in which animals are trained to help the handicapped and to provide companionship for mentally retarded, ill, and elderly persons. Based on interviews with professional animal trainers, therapists, social workers, and teachers.

Head case

Seventeen-year-old Frank Marder struggles to deal with the aftermath of an accident he had while driving drunk that killed two people, including his girlfriend, and left him paralyzed from the neck down.

Saige paints the sky

Painting in her grandmother's studio and riding her favorite horse, Georgia, helps fourth-grader Saige cope with missing Mimi and sparks an idea for funding the school art program, but more creativity will be needed to keep Georgia from being sold.

Saige paints the sky

Saige misses Grandma Mimi terribly when she moves into rehab, but comfort comes in the form of Georgia, Mimi's youngest horse, as well as the painting she can do in Mimi's art studio. However, just when Saige and Georgia are becoming friends, Saige learns that Mimi might sell her horse. It may be Saige's artistic creativity in the end that saves both Mimi and Georgie.

Recovery Road

Seventeen-year-old Maddie meets Stewart in a rehabilitation facility for drug and alcohol abuse, and they begin a relationship, which they try to maintain after they both finish treatment.

A clockwork orange

A violent teen named Alex is "rehabilitated" by the government in this satirical view of the future of the industrialized world; also includes a glossary of the novel's Russian-based "nadsat" language.

True confessions of a Hollywood starlet

a novel
Teen movie star Morgan Carter retreats to a small midwestern town to recuperate anonymously after an overdose and rehabilitation, recording her thoughts in a diary.


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