Lansky, Bruce

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My teacher's in detention

kids' favorite funny school poems
A collection of humorous poems about the ups and downs of going to school.

35,000+ baby names

Bruce Lansky
Contains over 37,500 names for babies from 250 countries in 160 different languages.

Baby names around the world

Presents alphabetical listings of over 50,000 names from around the world for boys and girls, and includes advice on choosing a baby name, lists of popular names, and other reference information.

25,000+ baby names

Lists over twenty-five thousand baby names alphabetically in gender sections, providing meanings, origins, and variations, and includes themed lists such as the most popular names, celebrity names, and names inspired by places.

100,000+ baby names

Presents origins, meanings, and variations for more than 100,000 baby names, including ethnic names from over one hundred countries, and provides over three hundred themed lists, lists of the top one hundred boys' and girls' names of 2004, fifteen name-choice factors to consider, and work sheets for the choosing process.

If kids ruled the school

more kids' favorite funny school poems
A collection of humorous poems about the trials and tribulations of going to school.

Happy birthday to me!

kids pick the funniest birthday poems
A collection of poems about birthdays, by such authors as Bruce Lansky, Dr. Seuss, and Leslie Danford Perkins.

Girls to the rescue

tales of clever, courageous girls from around the world
A collection of ten stories, some based on folklore, featuring admirable girls in both familiar and exotic settings.

Mary had a little jam, and other silly rhymes

A collection of humorous retellings of classic nursery rhymes by contemporary children's authors.


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