Lucent library of Black history

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African American entrepreneurs

stories of success
Starting a business is inherently risky, but it has historically been much harder for African Americans due to the systemic racism they face in many different areas. However, many black entrepreneurs have overcome those barriers to create successful businesses, working harder than their white counterparts to achieve similar results. Readers will learn about the history of discrimination against African Americans in the business world and how it has been and still can be combated. Historical and contemporary photographs and a comprehensive timeline shine a spotlight on many African American entrepreneurs who have changed the world.
Cover image of African American entrepreneurs

Hidden no more

African American women in STEM careers
Through engaging main text filled with quotes from prominent figures, readers understand how black women who pursued careers in science and math helped shape the history of the world and continue to shape its future.

Hidden no more

African American women in STEM careers
"In recent years, the stories of black women in scientific and mathematical fields have finally emerged from the shadows of history to inspire new generations of Americans. Through . . . text filled with quotes from prominent figures, readers understand how black women who pursued careers in science and math helped shape the history of the world and continue to shape its future . . . photographs make this . . . topic easily relatable, while informative sidebars provide a[n] . . . investigation of powerful women in powerful careers"
Cover image of Hidden no more

The story of African American music

"The influence of African Americans on music in the United States cannot be overstated. A large variety of musical genres owe their beginnings to black musicians. Jazz, rap, funk, R&B, and even techno have roots in African American culture. This volume chronicles the history of African American music, with spotlights on influential black musicians of the past and present. Historical and contemporary photographs, including primary sources, contribute to an in-depth look at this essential part of American musical history"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of The story of African American music

African American inventors

overcoming challenges to change America
"Many of the products we use every day were invented by African Americans, although these inventors unfortunately have not often been given credit for their contributions. Readers will take a fascinating look at the black men and women who have helped shape the world as we know it today with their inventions. Engaging text presents a discussion of the lives of prominent black inventors, including the struggles they dealt with in the past and continue to face today. A timeline of important dates, historical and contemporary images, and informative sidebars enhance this frequently overlooked area of history"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of African American inventors

African Americans in political office

from the Civil War to the White House
Discusses the history of African American people in American politics.

Women civil rights leaders

Examines the lives and history surrounding the women leaders of the Civil Rights movement, including Ida B. Wells, Dorothy Height, Septima Clark, and more.

Landmarks in African American history

Discusses important events in African American history.

James Forman and SNCC

Discusses the history of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) and its executive secretary, James Forman.

Blacks in political office

Describes the work of black politicians and public officials during Reconstruction, their loss of power after Reconstruction, and the struggle to regain public office.


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