Sandler, Martin W

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Presents, in text, illustrations, and photographs, an overview of the life and legend of the American cowboy.


Photographs and illustrations from the Library of Congress present a look at the public and private lives of America's presidents.

Driving around the USA

automobiles in American Life
A brief look at the invention and development of the automobile and its technical and social impact on America.

America through the lens

photographers who changed the nation
Contains photographs and essays that highlight the careers of twelve American photographers whose work has influenced the course of history, including Matthew Brady, William Henry Jackson, Edward S. Curtis, and Dorothea Lange.

Why did the whole world go to war?

and other questions about-- World War II
Provides answers to many questions about World War II, including what started the war, how Hitler came to power, how the war changed life in America, and more.

Kennedy through the lens

how photography and television revealed and shaped an extraordinary leader
Examines the public life of John F. Kennedy as it was captured on film and discusses how the thirty-fifth President of the United States used color photography and television to advance his political agenda.

The Dust Bowl through the lens

how photography revealed and helped remedy a national disaster
A collection of historic photographs that capture the devastation that plagued the Dust Bowl and the courage and enduring spirit of the people who tried to save their homes and livelihood during the era.

Lincoln through the lens

how photography revealed and shaped an extraordinary life
Contains over one hundred images of the life of Abraham Lincoln that provide a portrait of his presidency and the events surrounding it.

Trapped in ice!

an amazing true whaling adventure
Tells the true story of the rescue of 1,219 men, women, and children from thirty-two American whaling ships trapped in Arctic ice in 1871. Includes an annotated further reading list.

Island of hope

the story of Ellis Island and the journey to America
Relates the story of immigration to America through the voices and stories of those who passed through Ellis Island, from its opening in 1892 to the release of the last detainee in 1954.


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