Alberts, Damon

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Tranquilizers & other depressants

Reviews the history of tranquilizers and other depressants, including barbiturates, benzodiazepines, and so-called "date rape" drugs, and illustrates their effects on the brain and body.

Teenage depression & suicide

Describes for teenagers what causes depression, what its symptoms are, and how it is treated, explaining that depression that lasts longer than a few days and interferes with a person's ability to function is a mental health issue; and discusses how to get help for oneself or for a friend suffering from depression.


Discusses the mental and physical effects of anabolic steroids and steroidal supplements on users, and includes case studies and testimonies.

Methamphetamine & other stimulants

Presents an in-depth look at the effects stimulants have on the body, and examines the consequences of methamphetamine use.


Reviews the history of hallucinogens such as LSD, mescaline, PCP, and others, and illustrates their effects on the brain and body.

Cocaine & crack

Examines the history of cocaine, and discusses its effects on the lives of individual users, and society as a whole.

Club drugs

Discusses the mental and physical effects of club drugs such as Ecstasy, GHB, and ketamine on users, examines the dangers of polydrug use, and includes first-person accounts and animations.


teenage drinking
Shows how alcohol affects the brain and body and impairs motor skills and judgment, and includes interviews with teenagers and experts, weighing drinking's benefits and risks.
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