A comprehensive reference to the Vietnam War that provides a day-by-day chronology of the war, profiles of the people involved, descriptions of the weaponry used, historical photographs, maps, and more.
Provides an account of the Vietnam War in which the U.S. sought to stop the spread of communism in Asia, discusses the objectives and strategies of the combatants, looks at key battles and leaders, and considers the significance of the conflict.
Contains letters and poems written to families and friendsby American soldiers fighting in Vietnam in which they express their homesickness and the horrors of war.
An anthology of primary source documents which provide an overview of the Vietnam War that includes guided reading questions to help readers interpret the documents.
Young Marine lieutenant and platoon commander Waino Mellas and his battalion learn about life, loss, and the horrors of war during their thirteen-month tour in the sweltering mountains of South Vietnam.
Draws on primary and secondary sources to provide an overview of the Vietnam War, highlighting significant events and people that shaped the war and chronicling the experiences of those who were most impacted by the conflict.