Tells the story of the Apollo XIII mission to the moon in April of 1970 during which an explosion disabled both engines on the command module and crippled the life-support system, forcing ground controllers to take fast and desperate measures to get the astronauts home safely.
Chronicles the Apollo 11 mission, the spaceflight that landed the first man on Earth's moon on July 20, 1969, emphasizing the contributions and reactions of the thousands of people who made the mission successful.
Surveys the various Apollo spaceflights that marked America's attempts to put a man on the moon, with an emphasis on the 1969 Apollo 11 project culminating in the first landing.
Presents a biography of Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, covering his youth, his education, his career as an astronaut, and his life after NASA.
Through dramatization, this series relates the story of the conquest of the moon by the Americans, from the Mercury and Gemini projects to the legendary Apollo missions.
Explores the events leading to the 1969 moon walk including the early history of rocketry, the 1967 Apollo 1 disaster, and the space race with the Soviet Union.
Presents photographs selected by twenty-one astronauts from their space flights during the Apollo missions, along with captions from the astronauts and other iconic photographs; and features a foreword on space exploration from Stephen Hawking and his daughter Lucy.