sex in popular culture

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sex in popular culture


growing up female with a bad reputation
This collection of oral histories of girls and women examines how they overcame their sexual labels and adds a cogent analysis of the underlying problem of sexual stereotyping.

I am not a slut

slut-shaming in the age of the internet


from Andy Warhol to A Clockwork Orange--how a generation of pop rebels broke all the taboos
Chronicles the controversial and envelope-pushing works of writers, producers, and actors between 1968 and 1973 that redefined America's concept of sexuality and sexual liberation, and discusses the effects of this "sexual explosion" on the decades that followed.

So sexy so soon

the new sexualized childhood, and what parents can do to protect their kids
Examines the youth social culture attraction to sex appeal, and discusses body image, Barbie versus Bratz, and the many ways popular culture sends messages about sexuality, which includes television, film, music, and more; and focuses on providing advice for parents that face similar issues.

The porning of America

the rise of porn culture, what it means, and where we go from here

So sexy so soon

the new sexualized childhood, and what parents can do to protect their kids
Examines the youth social culture attraction to sex appeal, and discusses body image, Barbie versus Bratz, and the many ways popular culture sends messages about sexuality, which includes television, film, music, and more; and focuses on providing advice for parents that face similar issues.

Make love, not war

the sexual revolution, an unfettered history
Looks at sexual attitudes in the 1960s, the feminist movement, sex research, pornography, the gay pride movement, abortion, and sexual behavior.
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