interracial friendship

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interracial friendship

Satoko and Nada

"Satoko, a Japanese student studying in America, has a new roommate: a Saudi Arabian woman named Nada! They might have different customs, but through mutual respect--and the hilarious adventures of their daily life--Satoko and Nada prove that friendship knows no borders"--Back cover.

Wade in the water

a novel
A novel of female power and vulnerability, race, and class explores the unlikely friendship between a precocious black girl and a mysterious white woman in a small Mississippi town in the early 1980s.


an epic story of heroism and friendship
Traces the inspirational story of famous Navy aviator duo Tom Hudner and Jesse Brown, recounting how they defied convention to serve their country, overcame racial barriers, and protected one another on a daring Korean War mission.

My name is Jason. Mine too

our story, our way
"Jason Reynolds. Jason Griffin. One a poet. One an artist. One Black. One white. Two voices. One journey. To move to New York, and make it in New York. Best friends willing to have a hard life if it meant a happy life. All they needed was a chance. A reissue of a memoir of a moment in time within a lifetime of friendship"--Provided by the publisher.


an epic story of heroism and friendship
"Lieutenant Tom Hudner and Ensign Jesse Brown, both Navy pilots during the Korean War in 1950, come from different backgrounds: Hudner is a white New Englander, a son of privilege; Brown is an African American son of a sharecropper from Mississippi. When the two men join forces in Fighter Squadron 32, they forge a deep friendship at a time when racial inequality was prevalent in America. An unwavering commitment binds Tom and Jesse to each other as well as to their comrades. The two fly to save a division of US Marines cornered during the battle at Chosin Reservoir, but catastrophe strikes when one of them is shot down behind enemy lines and trapped in the wreckage of his plane. The other will face an unthinkable choice: watch their friend die, or attempt one of history's most audacious one-man rescue missions. What transpires is harrowing and heartbreaking, an inspirational story for all time"--From the publisher's web site.


an epic story of heroism and friendship : adapted for young adults
Traces the inspirational story of famous Navy aviator duo Tom Hudner and Jesse Brown, recounting how they defied convention to serve their country, overcame racial barriers, and protected one another on a daring Korean War mission.
Cover image of Devotion

You and me both

"This is the story of two classmates who love all the same things: building tall block towers and knocking them down. Strawberry jam on toast. Jumping into big puddles in their matching boots. The narrator and his best friend, Jamal, might as well be twins--they have so much in common! And they always stick together. When Jamal gets a haircut, his best friend gets his cut the same way. They're sure their teacher will never be able to tell them apart. The . . . illustrations eventually reveal that the boys each have a different skin color"--Provided by publisher.

The company we keep

interracial friendships and romantic relationships from adolescence to adulthood
Examines how race affects interpersonal and romantic relationships in adolescence and young adulthood, providing a sociological, longitudinal study on the patterns of interracial relationship trends, and arguing that the trends suggest that interracial relationships and friendships as adolescence affect a person's sense of intergroup relations.
Cover image of The company we keep


a novel
"In 1992 Boston, Dave, a white boy at a mostly black middle school, befriends Marlon, a youth who lives in public housing and who confounds Dave's assumptions about black culture before their bond is tested by girls, family secrets, and national violence"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Green


In 1940s New Orleans, Fish Elliot is a polio-survivor with a knack for inventing and building things, and his African American neighbor Olympia is a girl with a talent for messing things up, but they are united in an effort to save a starving stray dog they call Liberty--and when Liberty is caged by a nasty farmer, they find an unlikely ally in a German prisoner of war, Erich, who is not much older than the two children.
Cover image of Liberty


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