fashion drawing

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fashion drawing

Fashion drawing

inspirational step-by-step illustrations show you how to draw like a fashion illustrator
A step-by-step guide to fashion illustration that covers drawing fashion figures, artistic techniques, and choosing the right medium. Includes inspirational sketchbook pages.

Fashion drawing

discover how to illustrate like the experts
Presents a full-color guide to fashion drawing that covers equipment and materials, the human form, color, and drawing fabrics, garments, and accessories. Includes advice for working in the industry, a glossary of terms, tutorials, dozens of photographs and drawings, and the work of established fashion designers and illustrators.

The manga fashion bible

the go-to guide for drawing stylish outfits and characters
"[A] guide to drawing the edgy fashions found in the popular Japanese genre [of manga. Provides] ... tutorials ... [and] projects for aspiring artists, from creating classic outfits worn by popular manga characters to depicting ... trends emerging from Tokyo ... [The author] explains how to draw eyes and hairstyles as well as figures, body types, and poses; mix and match outfits, accessorize, create complementary color schemes, add a sense of movement to the image, and design exciting wardrobes for all seasons"--Provided by publisher.

The beginner's fashion design studio

easy templates for drawing fashion favorites
Hart not only covers perennially popular styles and the basics of drawing dresses, tops, pants, and accessories, he provides the fun details all fashion-forward artists love.
Cover image of The beginner's fashion design studio

Fashion sketchbook

Presents a step-by-step to guide to fashion illustration, covering the fashion figure, fashion shapes, and garment details, and explaining how to draw women, men, and children, including posing the figure, developing the head and face, sketching accessories, and adding garment details.
Cover image of Fashion sketchbook

How to be a fashion designer

An introduction to fashion design, covering drawing and designing clothes, fashion lingo, and more.
Cover image of How to be a fashion designer

Fashion artist

drawing techniques to portfolio presentation
Presents the standard drawing and design techniques of the fashion industry, providing step-by-step demonstrations.
Cover image of Fashion artist

Cutting-edge fashion illustration

step-by-step contemporary fashion illustration
A step-by-step guide to contemporary fashion illustration that covers traditional, digital, and mixed media formats.

The complete fashion sketch-book

creative ideas and exercises to make the most of your fashion sketchbook
Intended for fashion students, illustrators, and designers, this book gives a variety of approaches, techniques, and styles for illustrating fashion with hundreds of images.


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