journey to the forbidden city : retracing the steps of Alexandra David-N?eel
Baldizzone, Tiziana
Text and photographs describe the lifestyle and traditions of the Tibetan people. Includes writings and black-and-white photographs from Alexandra David-N?eel, a female traveler who explored Tibet at the beginning of the twentieth century, as well as contemporary color photographs.
Illustrations present such noted Washington institutions as the Library of Congress, Supreme Court, National Air and Space Museum, and "Washington Post." Includes a section of text in the back of the book providing information on each subject.
This illustrated book documents the history of the Nazis, from their roots in World War I and their rise to power in 1933 to the end of the Cold War era and the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.
An illustrated guide to Death Valley, a National Park in eastern California and Western Nevada, includes information on the landforms, vegetation, animals, and people that reside in the valley.