homes and haunts

homes and haunts

Beyond Katrina

a meditation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
A collection of essays, poems, and letters, chronicling the effects of Hurricane Katrina on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Life on the Mississippi

An account of life on the Mississippi in the old steamboat days and Twain's experiences as a pilot.

Down to earth at Walden

Describes the practical aspects of Thoreau's day-to-day life at Walden and the 19th-century world surrounding him.

Georgia O'Keeffe and her houses

Ghost Ranch and Abiquiu
Georgia O'Keeffe's two houses in New Mexico--at Abiquiu and Ghost Ranch--are essential elements in her paintings. This book's illustrations include photographs showing the houses as they are today, photographs of O'Keeffe at home by major photographers, and her paintings of the houses and the landscapes surrounding them.

Buffalo gal

a memoir
A memoir in which the author discusses growing up in Buffalo, New York in the 1970s and 1980s before becoming the youngest person to have a seat on the American Stock Exchange, and a millionaire by the age of twenty-one.

The liar's club

a memoir
An account of the author's childhood in a Texas oil town and of her family's struggles with cancer, madness, and alcoholism.

Dangerous water

a biography of the boy who became Mark Twain
Explores the childhood of American writer Mark Twain, discussing how the experiences of his youth in Hannibal, Missouri, influenced his later life and career.

The most beautiful house in the world

A cultural history of architecture considering the practical aspects of the art.

And you know you should be glad

a true story of lifelong friendship
A true story of the lifelong friendship between award-winning journalist Bob Greene and his best friend Jack Roth who died of cancer at age fifty-seven.

The Liars' Club

a memoir
An account of the author's childhood in a Texas oil town and of her family's struggles with cancer, madness, and alcoholism.


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