Baker, David

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Family of the sun

Examines the physical features of the nine planets in the solar system, comparing their locations and distances from the sun.

Biological, nuclear, & chemical weapons

Presents an introduction to weapons of mass destruction and how it relates to fighting terrorism, providing information on chemical, nuclear, and biological weapons technology.

Living in space

exploring space

The Department of Homeland Security

Presents an introduction to the United Stated Department of Homeland Security, providing information on the role of the citizen, its resources and funding, how it uses technology, and more.

Department of Defense & State Department

Presents an introduction to the State Department and the Department of Defense, and provides information on the role they play in fighting terrorism.

Infiltration & spying

Presents an introduction to the concept of spying and infiltration and how it relates to fighting terrorism, providing information on the roles of spies, spy schools, spy technology, and more.

Flight and flying

a chronology
Covers every significant event in the history of aviation including fliers and inventors, technological innovations, development of commercial airlines, and creation of military forces. Includes over 150 black and white photographs.

International space station

Explains the history of the International Space Station, describes the components associated with the massive spacecraft, and details the significance of the experiments performed on the station.


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