
Topical Term


another Phoebe and her unicorn adventure
"A new school year means many things for nine-year-old Phoebe Howell and her unicorn best friend, Marigold Heavenly Nostrils. They prepare for a school dance (lame!), meet new friends (ghosts and gnomes and goblins, OH MY!), and even experience a rare supernatural phenomenon called a Unicornado! In fact, sometimes things get almost too magical. Marigold's presence attracts pixies, talking birds, and a sphinx, turning Phoebe's house into a magical sylvan glen. And Marigold even briefly transforms Phoebe into a goblin. Whether they're trick-or-treating, singing showtunes, or casting new spells, every day for Phoebe and Marigold is an adventure thanks to the power of friendship"--.

Uni joins the team

Uni, Goldie, Pinkie, and Silky play soccer for the first time.

Gotta warn the unicorns!

"Princess Pulverizer and her pals are well on their way to completing her Quest of Kindness. But they know they can't continue it until they help Fortune--the unicorn they recently rescued--find his family. So when a fearful king orders his knights to capture all the unicorns they can, it's up to the princess and her friends to warn the unicorns before it's too late!"--Publisher.

The lost unicorn

Is there a unicorn wandering around Woodstock? Or is it just a figment of some hippie's imagination? Marcus, Jorge, and Elena will have to find out as T?o sends them back to the Summer of Love.

Narwhalicorn and Jelly

With the help of Star, Narwhal, who is now a Narwhalicorn, and Jelly embark on an out-of-this-world adventure to a planet filled with unicorns, but when Jelly wishes he were back home, Narwhal must find a way to cheer him up.

The missing magic

Unicorn Bo and friends attend the Big Festival of Magic hoping to show off their magical skills, but when all the magic goes missing they must find a way to find and return the magic.


the unicorn who wants to fly
Donut is a unicorn with a problem: she cannot fly--so she works with all the other creatures in the field and finally accomplishes her goal.


Text and illustrations introduce young readers to unicorns, discussing where they live, when they were first sighted and more.

Skandar and the unicorn thief

"Thirteen-year-old Skandar Smith has always wanted to be a Unicorn rider, but when the mysterious Weaver steals the most powerful unicorn in the world, Skandar must face sky battles, ancient secrets, and bloodthirsty unicorns in order to save his island"--OCLC.

Unicorn selfies

another Phoebe and her unicorn adventure
"Phoebe Howell and her best friend, the dazzling unicorn Marigold Heavenly Nostrils, have all kinds of exciting things planned for the summer. Their adventures include constructing a secret clubhouse with Phoebe's friend Max (enlisting the help of some magic pixies along the way) and preparing for a trip to Marigold's unicorn family reunion. Along the way, readers will meet all kinds of new characters, learn what magic spells are best avoided, and have all kinds of sparkling unicorn fun"--.


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