nonrenewable natural resources

Topical Term
nonrenewable natural resources

Natural resource depletion

Discusses the issues being faced as natural resources are being used faster than they can be replaced, what can be done to reduce ones usage of natural resources, and efforts to find alternative sources of energy.
Cover image of Natural resource depletion

Planet under pressure

too many people on Earth?
Discusses the world population and explains why it continues to grow, what may become of the world's natural resources, and how to help prevent an overpopulation crisis.
Cover image of Planet under pressure

Making good choices about nonrenewable resources

Introduces young readers to a variety of products made from nonrenewable resources and their effects on the local ecology.

Nonrenewable resources and you

"The many natural resources we use in daily life, such as fossil fuels, are not unlimited, which readers will discover from this . . . book. They will also learn about the lasting effects of using up Earth's nonrenewable resources, and what this means for both the planet and all of us, [and that] . . . there are alternatives to nonrenewable resources, such as solar power, which the world is trending toward"--Provided by publisher.


into the greenhouse world

The race for what's left

the global scramble for the world's last resources
Explains that the world is becoming depleted of natural resource, such as oil, coal, uranium, copper, lithium, water and arable land and that has caused governments and corporations to scramble to claim that last of these resources.

Biosphere politics

a cultural odyssey from the middle ages to the new age
Examines the origin and development of modern concepts of security and its impact on the environment, challenging the geopolitical orthodoxy with a call for a new biosphere politics.

Planet under pressure

too many people on Earth?
Discusses the world population and explains why it continues to grow, what may become of the world's natural resources, and how to help prevent an overpopulation crisis.

The environment

distinguishing between fact and opinion
Presents opposing viewpoints on four different environmental issues.

Resources control

Examines the state of the world's essential resources, discussing the opening up of new resource areas, the use of biodegradable and organic materials, and the effect of limited resources on populations and standards of living.


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