Reynolds, David West

Compare Name: 

Star Wars

Star Wars

Star Wars, episode 1

visual dictionary
Text and illustrations present characters from episode 1 of "Star Wars" and the technology they use, including Qui-Gon Jinn and his wrist hologram projector, the space freighters of the Neimoidians, and the lightsabers of the Jedi Knights.

Star Wars

the complete visual dictionary
Contains illustrated descriptions of people, creatures, places, weapons, and other aspects of the six-film Star Wars saga, grouped by episode.

Star wars

the visual dictionary
A collection of annotated color photographs which provide descriptions of the characters, costumes, creatures, droids, weapons, and other equipment developed for the "Star Wars" trilogy of movies.

Kennedy Space Center

gateway to space
Contains over 150 illustrated photographs that describe the history of the Kennedy Space Center and its space program, with information on the earliest development of rockets in the United States and Germany, the missile race and U.S.-Soviet rivalry, and the shuttle programs.

Star wars

the phantom menace : the expanded visual dictionary
A visual dictionary to "Star Wars, Episode I, the Phantom menace" focusing on, the characters, costumes, droids, and the gadgets of the film.

Star Wars, attack of the clones

the visual dictionary
A visual dictionary that describes and illustrates characters, weapons, costumes, and other creatures and gadgets featured in "Star Wars Attack of the Clones.".

Star Wars, episode I

the visual dictionary
Text and illustrations present characters from episode I of "Star Wars" and the technology they use, including Qui-Gon Jinn and his wrist hologram projector, the space freighters of the Nemoidians, and the lightsabers of the Jedi Knights.


the epic journey to the moon
An illustrated retrospective of the Apollo missions, which peaked in 1969 with the historic moon landing, looking at the people and technology involved in the program of lunar exploration.


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