star wars films

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star wars films

Star wars

Introduces a variety of Star Wars heroes from brave Ewoks and nimble Jedi, to rebel pilots and faithful droids.

Meet the rebels

Former Jedi Kanan Jarrus and his crew take on the Galactic Empire.

Star wars, the clone wars

visual guide : ultimate battles

Chronicles of the Force

Introduces key characters and various story elements from the Star Wars universe.

Star wars

the essential guide to characters

Star Wars

Sith wars
Introduces the dark world of the evil Sith, describing their powers and ruthless plots to take over the galaxy.

Star Wars

Jedi battles
Describes how the Jedi fight in duels and battles, and includes information on lightsaber techniques, deadly weapons, other-worldly allies, and just how the Jedi succeed in battle.

Into battle!

Surveys the biggest and most important battles in LEGO's galactic history, including detailed information on key characters and events.

Star Wars, Sith wars

Text and illustrations look at some of the evil Sith lords.

Star wars

Describes how Anakin Skywalker, a boy with Jedi potential, turned into Darth Vader, and how the Sith Lord wielded his dark powers.


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