Presents an illustrated examination of the impact of the film "Star Wars" on the culture of technological advancement, providing information on the how the future develop in two key areas, transportation and robotics.
An illustrated, year-by-year chronicle of the history of the Star Wars franchise that discusses George Lucas's inspiration, merchandise, films, spin-offs, its influence on popular culture, and more.
Simple text, movie quotes, and "scanimation" illustrations, which make figures appear to be moving, describe scenes, characters, and duels from the Star Wars motion pictures.
A collection of Star Wars stories centering on characters from the Mos Eisley cantina by authors such as Timothy Zahn, Kevin J. Anderson, and Dave Wolverton.
Compiles the complete Star Wars saga, recounting Qui-Gon's discovery of Anakin, who may be the one to lead the Jedi Knights, Anakin's fall to the dark side, Princess Leia's efforts to save her planet, and Luke's battle to save his father.