Isabel, a newly married fifteen-year-old who lives in a traditional Mayan village, is invited to join a government-run teacher training program, and is thrown into the turbulent political reality of contemporary Guatemala.
With the magical aid of the old woman who hatched him from an egg, the diminutive Tol proves himself greater than the ruler of the city of Uxmal and takes his place as leader of the people.
After his Mayan adventures, Josh returns to Oxford to resume his normal life, but it soon becomes clear that he cannot escape destiny as he realizes his father's death was no accident and his closest allies may not be trustworthy.
Explore the legacy of the Aztecs, who are known for their incredible architectural achievements and the Mayan people, who have left us some of the world's most spectacular temples.
When her mother becomes ill, Isabel, a Mayan girl living in contemporary Guatemala, must care for her and continue her search for her own identity in a world fraught with upheaval and change.
An introduction to the Mayas, Incas, and Aztecs that discusses their beliefs, customs, cities, rulers, and the Spanish overtaking of the civilizations.
Describes a typical day in the life of the Mayas, a people found in Guatemala, emphasizing how children are raised and educated, whatlaws and social rules they are subject to,contact with the outside world, and a view of thefuture.