A Bell book

Compare Series: 

Yeshu, called Jesus

The winged watchman

Circle of seasons

Describes the ceremonies and festival rituals of the Pueblo Indians to recognize and celebrate the changing of the seasons.

Circle of seasons

Describes the ceremonies and festival rituals of the Pueblo Indians to recognize and celebrate the changing of the seasons.

Circle of seasons

Describes the ceremonies and festival rituals of the Pueblo Indians to recognize and celebrate the changing of the seasons.

So ends this day

A young boy recounts the events of his first voyage aboard his father's whaler and how they become involved in slave running.

Yeshu, called Jesus.

The Cow Neck rebels

Two brothers march off to the Battle of Long Island, not a particularly important battle to the outcome of the Revolution but a decisive factor in the lives of the brothers.

Yeshu, called Jesus

Song of jubilee

A Virginia slave's account of the Negroes' mixed reactions to the Civil War and the freedom it brought them.


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