With a roar and a powerful pull, 4x4 trucks get the job done. Take a look at the vehicle's unique features, exterior design, and what's under the hood--.
Introduces young readers to what a police car is designed to do with its sirens, flashing lights, and equipment to fight crime. Includes photographs and a glossary.
"Most of Earth is covered in water. Water falls from the sky as rain or snow. All living things need water to survive. Discover why water is an important part of nature!"--Provided by publisher.
"Plants and animals from millions of years ago left behind fossils. Fossils can teach people about the past. They are also used for fuel. Discover why fossils are an important part of nature!"--Provided by publisher.
"Soil covers most of the land on Earth. It feeds plants and is home to many animals. Discover why soil is an important part of nature!"--Provided by publisher.