sparta (extinct city)

Geographic Name
sparta (extinct city)

The fire of Ares

When slaves rebel in ancient Sparta, twelve-year-old Lysander, guarded by an heirloom amulet, the Fire of Ares, is caught between the Spartan ruling class, with whom he has been training as a warrior since his noble heritage was revealed, and those among whom he was recently laboring as a slave.

The Spartans

Presents an account of the life and mores of ancient Sparta, based on contemporary written evidence and recent archaeological findings, that refutes the belief that Spartan government, military organization, and culture were unique in Greece.

The Spartans

the world of the warrior-heroes of ancient Greece, from utopia to crisis and collapse
A history of the Spartan civilization, focusing on some of its prominent citizens, the ideals on which it was based, and how, despite the high values placed on masculine ideals, women were allowed an unusually dominant and powerful role.

The Spartan hoplites

An introduction to the history and lifestyle of Spartan hoplites, with profiles of Leonidas I and Xerxes, and discusses the Persian Wars and other battles.


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