loss (psychology)

Topical Term
loss (psychology)

Claire Marvel

a novel
Tells the story of two star-crossed lovers, graduate students Julian Rose and Claire Marvel, spanning fourteen years of attempts at happiness while spouses, children, and misunderstandings block the way.

Necessary losses

Explores how people grow and change through natural and inevitable losses in life, such as the loss of our younger selves, and the loss of loved ones through separation and death; and explains how these losses provide us with deeper perspective, true maturity, and fuller wisdom about life.


a novel
The Rocky Mountains have cast their spell over the Courtlands, who are taking a family vacation before their daughter leaves for college. But when Caitlin and her younger brother, Sean, go out for an early morning run and only Sean returns, the mountains become as terrifying as they are majestic.

Ida, always

A polar bear grieves over the loss of his companion, based on the real-life Gus and Ida of New York's Central Park Zoo.

The Ethan I was before

After Ethan loses his best friend and moves from Boston to small-town Georgia, he discovers that life can be transformed in one moment, but that one moment doesn't have to define him for life.


a cat called Buster
After his pet rabbit dies, Josh feels sad and does not want to own another pet until an elderly neighbor's cat goes missing.

Ascending the boneyard

Overwhelmed by a series of losses, including an accident that left his brother in a wheelchair, his father's abuse, and his mother's departure, sixteen-year-old Tosh escapes into a video game but soon, the game becomes much more real than his life.


Enduring regimented and intrusive treatment at an eating-disorder center, seventeen-year-old Stevie is haunted by guilt for her brother's fatal accident and secretly plans to commit suicide on the anniversary of his death.

Loss and grief

The death of a loved one is a heartbreaking event in a child s life. This book will guide readers through the feelings and questions they might have after such a loss. Readers will learn what grief is and how it is different for each person. Readers are encouraged to accept their feelings and talk them out with the people in their support system. This book includes color photographs, a glossary, a table of contents, and an index. Websites for more information supplement the text to give readers the resources they need in this troubling time.


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