
Topical Term

Native peoples of the Woodlands

Describes the history and customs of the prehistoric Woodland Indians. Describes the daily life and native traditions of these Indians of North America who inhabited the eastern United States and Canada. Shows how they hunted for food, harvested crops, built wigwams, and lived in villages as a tribe. Emphasizes the importance of family and cultural heritage to the Native American people.

Artists in residence

seventeen artists and their living spaces, from Giverny to Casa Azul
"An illustrated book of seventeen legendary and contemporary artists' homes"--Provided by publisher.

Life in the forest

Forests have long provided people with the resources they need to survive. This book describes the ways people have adapted to living in different kinds of forest habitats and climates around the world.

--If you lived with the Iroquois

Describes the history, social structure, and customs of the Iroquois.
Cover image of --If you lived with the Iroquois

Indian homes

Describes the characteristics of the different types of dwellings used by various Indian tribes throughout North America.
Cover image of Indian homes

The house tells the story

homes of the American presidents
"Historian David McCullough and noted artist Adam Van Doren unite for an excursion to the celebrated homes of fifteen American presidents, past and present. ... Van Doren visited these homes to ensure that he recorded every detail accurately, often becoming acquainted with the former presidents themselves, always trying to portray them in the human environment they created for themselves"--Amazon.com.
Cover image of The house tells the story

The grapes of wrath

The story of a farm family's Depression-era journey from the Dustbowl of Oklahoma to the California migrant labor camps in search of a better life.
Cover image of The grapes of wrath

The orphanage

Laura decides to purchase her beloved childhood orphanage with dreams of restoring and reopening the long abandoned facility as a place for disabled children. The new environment awakens the imagination of Laura's son. His ongoing fantasy games played with an invisible friend quickly turn into something more disturbing. Upon seeing her family increasingly threatened by the strange occurrences in the house, Laura looks to a group of parapsychologists for help in unraveling the mystery that has taken over the place.
Cover image of The orphanage

Native American homes

from longhouses to wigwams
Most native peoples live in modern homes today, but years ago, they lived in vastly different dwellings. These inventive buildings were constructed of available natural resources, such as wood, grass, and adobe bricks, without the use of machinery we rely on today. Readers will appreciate the vivid photographs that accompany the interesting text and surprising fact boxes in this indispensable volume, beneficial to any elementary social studies classroom.
Cover image of Native American homes

Mountain homes

Describes the characteristics of mountain homes, the materials used to construct them, and what they look like inside, and discusses how the environment influences what kinds of homes are built in various geographical locations. Includes photographs, a map, glossary, and activity.


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