adult learning

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adult learning

Evolving learner

shifting from professional development to professional learning from kids, peers, and the world
"The concept of personalized professional learning has gained a good deal of traction over the past decade. Much in the way that classroom instruction has shifted from a twentieth century factory model (at least in theory), the notion of one-size-fits-all professional development has been widely discredited. A recent blog post ( makes the following case: Gathering all of a school's teachers in a room for one day and offering strategies with the intention of universal classroom application doesn't work anymore-'one size fits all' is no longer an effective option. Instead, attention must be paid to the broader context of each teacher's classroom world. The subject(s) they teach, the technology they utilize, as well as the ages and specific challenges of their students, all must be taken into account. Moreover, technological advances have dramatically improved access to individualized PL options. But while the idea that teachers can tailor their professional learning to unique needs is inherently appealing, there remains a central paradox: most experts are in agreement that the most impactful professional leaning experiences take place in collaboration with other teachers. The authors of the proposed title believe that powerful professional learning can be grouped into three distinctive categories: (1) Learning from students; (2) Learning from peers; (3) Learning from the world"--.

Tell me so I can hear you

a developmental approach to feedback for educators
"[Demonstrates] how education leaders can learn to deliver feedback in a way that strengthens relationships as well as performance and builds the capacity for growth. Drawing on constructive-developmental theory, the authors describe four stages of adult growth and development and explain how to differentiate feedback for colleagues with different 'ways of knowing'"--Provided by publisher.

"Sit & get" won't grow dendrites

20 professional learning strategies that engage the adult brain

Energize your audience!

75 quick activities that get them started-- and keep them going

Keys to college studying

becoming a life long learner
A fresh look at study skills that presents concepts and strategies in a context that helps you understand the broader, real-world applications. Strong study skills form the foundation necessary for success in the competitive, global economy.
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