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The witch of Woodland

While preparing for her bat mitzvah--and trying to make sense of her own life--Zippy discovers she has magical abilities when she conjures up a beautiful girl with no memory and wings like an angel to whom she is connected.


"Young kitchen witch Planchette gets an incredible deal on a new house in a magical town. Turns out, there's a reason: it's haunted! After unsuccessfully attempting to get these unwanted ghosts to leave, she realizes the only thing to do is to help them with their problems. Along the way, she befriends a shy siren who hates being popular, a girl battling a curse, and a magically-challenged witch from a powerful coven"--Provided by publisher.

Princess of souls

Sixteen-year-old witch Selestra Somniatis, bound to steal souls for an immortal king, discovers her fate is tied to Nox Laederic, a reckless doomed boy who is trying to bring down her kingdom.

Aquaman and the Rapunzel plot

"Aquaman's underwater kingdom is facing a medical threat. Luckily, a sea witch offers him a rare plant to fight the sickness--in exchange for a hefty price. But the Sea King soon discovers she isn't just greedy. The old woman has locked the true crop owner in an enchanted coral tower! What's worse, the trapped mermaid thinks she's being protected not imprisoned, so her living seaweed hair is ready to fight off any stranger who climbs inside. Can the Atlantean hero partner with the coral captive to end the witch's fishy scheme? In this twisted retelling, DC Super Heroes and Super-Villains collide with the Rapunzel fairy tale to create an action-packed chapter book for kids!"--Provided by publisher.

Witches of Brooklyn

Effie is sent off to the wilderness for summer camp without her friends, but she hopes to learn some cool new magic and meet new witch friends.

The enchanted bridge

"Jaxon and his friends are back in the magical real, Palmera, trying to convince Guardian Sis that magical creatures should exist in both world, but things might be even more complicated than Jax and his friends realize"--Provided by publisher.

Prince of song & sea

"Before Prince Eric's mother, the Queen of Vellona, went missing two years ago, she reminded him about the details of the deadly curse that has plagued his entire life. The curse? If he were to kiss someone other than his true love, he would die. Eric is desperate for any information that may help him break his enchantment. The answers he has been searching for come to him in the form of a letter left from his mother that reveals Eric must find his true love, the one with a voice pure of heart or kill the sea witch responsible for cursing him in the first place"--Provided by publisher.

A Ruinous Fate

Heartless Fates Series, Book 1
In a world on the brink ofwar where one more roll from a magical die may set her down a dangerous path, nineteen-year-old Calla Rosewood joins a ragtag group of witches that ventures into an enchanted forest to find a way to reset their fates, only to discover that the forest may be more than any of them bargained for.

The witch hunt

"Months after the devastating battle between the Sons of St. Druon and the witches of Haxahaven, Frances has built a quiet, safe life for herself, teaching young witches and tending the garden within the walls of Haxahaven Academy. But one thing nags; her magic has begun to act strangely. When an opportunity to visit Paris arises, Frances jumps at the chance to go, longing for adventure and seeking answers about her own power. Once she and her classmates Maxine and Lena reach the vibrant streets of France, Frances learns that the spell she used to speak to her dead brother has had terrible consequences--the veil between the living and the dead has been torn by her recklessness, and a group of magicians are using the rift for their own gain at a horrifying cost. To right this wrong, and save lives and her own magical powers, Frances must hunt down answers in the parlors of Parisian secret societies, the halls of the Louvre, and the tunnels of the catacombs. Her only choice is to team up with the person she swore she'd never trust again, risking further betrayal and her own life in the process"--Provided by publisher.

The lords of night

a shadow bruja novel
When fourteen-year-old godborn and shadow bruja, Renata, embarks on a quest to stop five rogue demigods from awakening the nine Aztec Lords of Night and overpowering the Maya gods, she confronts questions about her family, her magic, and her destiny.


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