young adult literature

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young adult literature

Critical survey of young adult literature

Provides thoughtful examination of the authors, works, genres, themes and film adaptations that have contributed to the popularity and success of the young adult genre.

The best American nonrequired reading, 2016

A collection of short fiction and nonfiction writings from mainstream and alternative American writers compiled by the students at 826 National, a non-profit group founded by author Dave Eggers and based in San Francisco.

The best American nonrequired reading, 2015

A collection of short fiction and nonfiction writings from mainstream and alternative American writers compiled by the students at 826 National, a non-profit group founded by author Dave Eggers and based in San Francisco.

Utopian and dystopian writing for children and young adults

"Utopian and Dystopian Writing for Children and Young Adults is the first study devoted to this increasingly popular genre of literature for young readers focused on the question of ideal social organization. The collection defines and explores the category of utopian writing and its thematic conventions, offering detailed case studies of individual, works from the eighteenth century to the present day. Ten critical essays, all appearing here for the first time, discuss how imaginary worlds are created, how characters travel there, and how these worlds function as perfect or radically imperfect societies. All address the pedagogical implications of writing that challenges children to grapple with questions of social organization, individual autonomy, and just governance. In addition to critical analyses, the volume includes essays by leading contemporary authors of utopian fiction - James Gurney, Monica Hughes, and Katherine Paterson - as well as an exclusive interview with Lois Lowry, whose award-winning novel The Giver has generated ardent response from adults and children alike. The collection concludes with an annotated bibliography of primary sources, a valuable tool for those readers who wish to pursue further this pioneering exploration."--Jacket.

John Green

Fans of Green's novels get an insider's look at the path he took to becoming a best-selling author and Internet sensation. This captivating resource follows Green from his youth and introduces readers to the teachers and school that served as inspiration for one of his best-loved novels. The book then takes readers through Green's college years and the job at a children's hospital that changed his career path, and even his outlook on life. For Internet fans, Green's passion for being a "nerdfighter" is also well-documented in this rich account of a beloved writer's life and inspirations.

Biography today: Author Series, Vol.14

profiles of people of interest to young readers
Contains profiles of people of interest to young readers.

Young adult literature

from romance to realism

Biography today

General Series
Provides personal and professional data on famous individuals from such fields as sports, entertainment, literature, science, business, and politics.

Booklist's 1000 best young adult books since 2000

The start of the twenty-first century has been a new golden age of young adult literature. In their literary quality, their variety, and their innovative nature, these books are not only the best of a splendid new millennium, they are-- compared with other decades-- the best of the best.


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